lake between trees and mountains

Yo aborto, tu abortas, todxs callamos (I abort, you abort, we all stay silent)

Documental, Argentina, 2013

DIRECTORA: Carolina Reynoso

SINOPSIS: Siete mujeres, incluida la directora del film, reflexionan sobre una experiencia que todas vivieron en sus cuerpos: el aborto clandestino. A través de sus testimonios se derriban mitos en relación a la Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo, obteniendo una mirada desestigmatizante del tema.

SYNOPSIS: Seven women, including the director of the film, reflect on an experience that they all lived in their bodies: clandestine abortion. Through their testimonies, myths are demolished in relation to the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy, obtaining a destigmatizing look at the subject.