field with cloudy sky


YEAR: 2024

DURATION: 62 minutes

GENRE: documentary film

PRODUCTION COUNTRIES: Argentina and New Zealand

LANGUAGE: Spanish and English

AVAILABLE SUBTITLES: English and Spanish

DIRECTOR: Damián Martinez

CAST: Pablo García Borboroglu

LOGLINE: The Lord of the Penguins documents part of the incredible conservation work for penguins in Argentine Patagonia and New Zealand by Pablo García Borboroglu, the recent winner of the Nobel Prize for Conservation. For over 30 years, he has been dedicated to protecting and raising awareness about the 18 species of penguins worldwide.

The Lord Of the Penguins registra parte del increíble trabajo en conservación de Pingüinos en la Patagonia Argentina y en Nueva Zelanda de Pablo García Borboroglu, flamante ganador del Premio Nobel a la Conservación, que se dedica hace más de 30 años a proteger y concientizar sobre las 18 especies de Pingüinos en el mundo.

FESTIVALS: Festiver, Babul Eco, Smaragdni.