Los Rampante (The Rampante)
YEAR: 2017
DURATION: 8 x 26 min.
GENRE: Comedy
DIRECTOR: Marco Medici
CAST: Malena Medici, Matias Bassi, Pablo Fusco Quinquela, Manuel Fanego, Carmen Tagle, Julián Lucero, Ximena Banús, Maria Cristina De Marco, Juan Carlos Noodt, Martin López Carzolio, Emilio Disi, Daniel Fanego, Guillermo Angelelli, Osqui Guzmán, Fernando González “Gonet”.
LOGLINE: Rampante Family is sentenced to house arrest after being caught in a coup. They will live that involuntary coexistence, guarded by a corrupt policeman and lawyer, until death reaches them all.
SYNOPSIS: Astor Rampante, father and leader of the mafia clan of the 48 port neighborhoods “The five families"", is captured in faganti, just before giving his biggest hit. Sentenced to house arrest, he was sent with his family to a small town called Saladillo. Locked in the same house with his sons Romeo and Valentino, the twins Tania and Tina and his elderly mother, they will build a new world where absurdity takes over their lives.
There, gravity fades, the future is predicted, funerals are celebrated, they soak in alcohol to forget, they fall in love, they extort and forget that behind the door - guarded by two policemen and a lawyer who will not let them go without a slice - there is a world to which they do not belong anymore.
Love, passion, violence and finally... the inevitable and tragic death.
LOGLINE EN ESPAÑOL: La Familia Rampante es condenada a prisión domiciliaria después de haber sido descubierta al dar un golpe. Vivirán esa convivencia involuntaria, custodiados por un policía y un abogado corruptos, hasta que la muerte los alcanza a todos.
SINOPSIS: Astor Rampante, padre de familia y líder del clan mafioso de los 48 barrios porteños ""Las cinco familias"" es capturado in faganti, justo antes de dar su golpe más grande. Condenado a prisión domiciliaria, es enviado junto a su familia a Saladillo. Encerrado en la misma casa junto a sus hijos Romeo, Valentino, las gemelas Tina y Tania y su anciana madre construirán un nuevo mundo donde lo absurdo se apodera de sus vidas.
Allí se desvanece la fuerza de gravedad, se predice el futuro, se festejan entierros, se embeben en alcohol para olvidar, se enamoran, se extorsionan y se olvidan que detrás de la puerta – custodiada por dos policías y un abogado que no los dejaran salir sin sacar tajada - hay un mundo al cual ellos ya no pertenecen.
Amor, pasión, violencia y al final... la inevitable y trágica muerte.